Dark and Stormy Book Club Interviews Teresa

The Dark and Stormy Book Club interviews Teresa for their podcast! Both of us really, but me mostly because I wrote “Agatha Christie, She Watched” and Bill turned my reviews into the fabulous book. So when we do a podcast interview, I do most of the talking and Bill fills in the gaps.

If you don’t know Dark and Stormy Book Club, they’re lots of fun. There are four interviewers currently; Ann Dark, Tracey Stormy, Kathy Night, and Misty Night. They’ve got nearly 300 podcasts under their belts; each podcast is with a different mystery writer. As you can imagine, they cover a lot of ground from the coziest of cozies to the most gruesome of police procedurals.

If you’re a mystery fan, this is a don’t miss podcast.

Here are the links so you can find them.

Speaker network on I [heart] Radio.

Ann and I had a wonderful chat about “Agatha Christie, She Watched” and now that it’s been posted, you can listen in.

Won’t you join us?

Bill and Teresa were also interviewed back in August and you can listen to it here.

Dark and Stormy Book Club Interviews Teresa