Crooked House Movie, a Sherlock Parody, and Graphic Novels about Jeeves and Enola Holmes

This week in news about Peschel Press authors, we have news of a Crooked House movie, some graphic novel adaptations, and a Sherlock Holmes / Robin Hood parody.

Agatha Christie

Guardian readers peppered Sophie Hannah with questions: read her answers here.

The Guardian also considered how Christie fooled so many people.

It appeared at the end of 2017, but I didn’t know there was a Crooked House adaptation starring Glenn Close, Terence Stamp, Gillian Anderson and Christina Hendricks, so here’s the trailer.

Sherlock Holmes

Vicki Delaney’s latest in the Sherlock Holmes mystery bookstore series, “A Scandal in Scarlet,” gets a good review in the London Free Press.

Joe Ide gets another positive review for his modern Sherlock update “Wrecked” in the Seattle Times.

In the funny newspaper parody category, here’s Robin Hood calling on Sherlock for help.

Nancy Spring’s Enola Holmes YA series gets the graphic novel treatment.

Mark Twain

It’ll be Mark Twains 183rd birthday on Nov. 30, and Nicholson Baker will celebrate it at the Mark Twain House in Hartford, Conn.

It’s not plagiarism if you steal only the idea: “The Princess Switch” starring Vanessa Hudgens on Netflix looks a lot like “The Prince and the Pauper.” (YouTube)

Twain’s encounter with the typewriter went about as well as could be expected: “it was degrading my character.” (Wash Post)

P.G. Wodehouse

Did you know someone’s producing a graphic novel version of “Right Ho, Jeeves”?