Sherlock Holmes Jazz Age Parodies and Pastiches I: 1920-1924

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Read examples of Holmesian parodies and pastiches.

Welcome to 223B Baker Street!

Welcome to 223B Baker Street The debut of Sherlock Holmes in the pages of The Strand magazine introduced one of fiction’s most memorable heroes. Arthur Conan Doyle’s spellbinding tales of mystery and detection, along with Holmes’ deep friendship with Doctor Watson, touched the hearts of fans worldwide, and inspired imitations, parodies, songs, art, even erotica, that continues to this very day.

“Sherlock Holmes Jazz Age Parodies and Pastiches I: 1920-1924” collects 38 pieces — short stories, poems, and cartoons — all published during this part of Conan Doyle’s literary career. Included are stories by Dashiell Hammett, Arthur Conan Doyle, and James Thurber. Also included are much of the original art and more than 340 footnotes identifying obscure words, historical figures, and events that readers were familiar with at the time.

Peschel Press’ 223B Casebook series — named because they’re “next door” to the original stories — is dedicated to publishing fanfiction created by amateur and professional writers during Conan Doyle’s lifetime.

Table of Contents

The Case of the Sinn Feiners / Peter Todd (Charles Hamilton)
The Fall Mystery / Anonymous
The Unique Hamlet / Vincent Starrett
The Truthful Lady / J. Storer Clouston
The Footprints on the Ceiling / Jules Castier
The Hound of Baskerville / John Fitzwilliams

Sherlock Holmes / “An Idle Quill”
The Bounder of Chamberville / “Herbert Skimpole” (Julius Herman)
The Mystery of the Ex-M.P. / Herman Charles Bosman
The Mystery of Lenin Trotsky / “Ben Eath” (Herman Charles Bosman)
All the Symptoms / Anonymous
The Mystery of the Point to Point Lace / J.B. Aiken
The Great Powder Puff Mystery / “Slippery Elm”
Watson! / Capt. A.E. Dingle
The Death of Sherlock Holmes / H.T. Webster

The Gubb Diamond Robbery / “Rhoda Montade”
Sherlock Holmes / John Northern Hilliard
The Great Philatelic Mystery/ E. Tudor Gross
Scotland Yard Poison Mystery / Anonymous
Mr. Evans / Cyril Alington

The Master Mind / Dashiell Hammett
The Mystery of the Murdered Major / James Thurber
The Mystery of the 9,404 Headless Bodies / Gardner Rea
Sheer Luck Again / Stanley Rubinstein
The Marischal Manor Mystery / Anonymous
The Malgrath Mystery / Anonymous
Holmes Receives a Visitor / “R.C.R.-G”
The Lost Professor / “Sir Arthur Donan Coyle”
The Adventure of the Chuckle-Headed Doctor / Reginald Berkeley

The Teapot Dome Case / “A. Conan Oyle” (N.H.)
The Adventures of Arson Clews / Gene Fowler
The Case of the Poisoned Finger / “Exile”
The Adventure of the Thirteenth Club / Ralph Wotherspoon
How Watson Learned the Trick / Arthur Conan Doyle
Herlock Sholmes Catches Reds / “A. Donan Coyle”
The Modern Sherlock / Carlton Fitchett and Alton McConkey
Sherlock Holmes Solves the Mystery of Edwin Drood / Harry B. Smith
The Alibi / “Evoe” (E.V. Knox)

(Links take you to the story posted at In many cases, the introductions there have been rewritten and expanded for book publication.)