Sherlock Holmes Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches I: 1900-1904

Sherlock Holmes Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches: 1900-1904
Mysterious Bookshop in New York City.


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Read examples of Holmes parodies and pastiches.

Welcome to 223B Baker Street!

The debut of Sherlock Holmes in the pages of The Strand
magazine introduced one of fiction’s most memorable heroes. Arthur Conan Doyle’s spellbinding tales of mystery and detection, along with Holmes’ deep friendship with Doctor Watson, touched the hearts of fans worldwide, and inspired imitations, parodies, songs, art, even erotica, that continues to this very day.

“Sherlock Holmes Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches I: 1900-1904” collects more than 55 pieces — short stories, poems, newspaper clippings, and cartoons — all published during the opening years of Conan Doyle’s literary career. Also included are much of the original art and more than 200 footnotes identifying obscure words, historical figures, and events that readers were familiar with at the time.

Peschel Press’ 223B Casebook series — named because they’re “next door” to the original stories — is dedicated to publishing the fanfiction created by amateur and professional writers during Conan Doyle’s lifetime. Each book covers an era, publication, or writer, and includes lively mini-essays containing insights into the work, Conan Doyle, and those who were inspired by him.

Table of Contents

(Links take you to the story posted at In many cases, the introductions there have been rewritten and expanded for book publication.)

The Red Mark / “Dodo”
The Book of 1900 / Edgar Turner
The Adventures of Padlock Bones / Sol Cohen
The Adventure of the Pink Pearl / Anonymous
The Missing Letter / Opie Read
A Deduction Process / Anonymous
Refused to Be Foiled / Claude Eldridge Toles
The Adventure of the Stolen Doormat / Allen Upward
The Stolen Cigar Case / “A. C- – -N D- – – LE” (Bret Harte)
A439, Being the Autobiography of a Piano / H. Chilver Wilson and A.H. Mann

Holmes, Jr., at an Easy One / Anonymous
Notes of a Bookman / James MacArthur
Padlock Bones / Mabel McGinnis
Shylock Holmes / Leon Harman
Sherlock Holmes on the Domestic Hearth / Anonymous
Should a Public Monument Be Erected to Sherlock Holmes? / J.H. Brearley

A Double-Barrelled Detective Story / Mark Twain
The Cat of the Bunkervilles / “Boothcut Hoyle”
The Bound of the Asterbilts / Charlton Andrews
Shedlock Holmes and Louisiana Raffles / Ed Carey
Sherlock Jones’s Waterloo / Anonymous
Sherlock Jones’s Advice / Anonymous
The Great Security Bank Mystery / Isaac Anderson
Sherlock Holmes / Finley Peter Dunne
The Whims of Erasmus / W. Carter Platts
Life Cartoon / Anonymous

Dr. Watson’s Wedding Present / J. Alston Cooper
Mr. Homes Solves a Question of Authorship / John Kendrick Bangs
Sherlock Holmes Boards a Pirate Craft / Anonymous
Sherlock Holmes at Groton / H.M. Woolsey
Herlock Sholmes Again / Anonymous
Sherlock Holmes Analyzes a Perfect Stranger / John T. McCutcheon
An Easy Case for Padlock Jones / Anonymous
Sherlock Holmes and Brigadier Gerard / Anonymous
The Stolen Diamonds / W.L. Riordan
The Bedlamite / W.L. Riordan
The Resources of Mycroft Holmes / Charlton Andrews
The Affair of the Lost Compression / “Croton Oyle”
The Return of Sherlock Holmes / “Lord Watson” (E.F. Benson and Eustace H. Miles)
Sherlock Holmes: Discovering the Border Burghs and, by Deduction, the Brig Bazaar / Anonymous

Sherlock Holmes / A.H. Hamilton
Why Musical Comedy Has No Plot / “C. O’M”
Sketches / George Howe
Dr. Watson and Mr. Holmes, or the Worm That Turned / J.W. Courtney, M.D
The Downfall of Our Friend Sherlock Holmes / Anonymous
The Adventure of the Diamond Dog Collar / Bert Leston Taylor
The Adventure of the Campaign Issue / Bert Leston Taylor
Sherlock Holmes and the Sleepless Watchman / Anonymous
How Holmes Tried Politics / “His Friend Watson”
The Lost Democratic Majority / “Dr. H.A.E. Watson”
The Adventure of the Gusty Night / Arthur H. Folwell
The Adventure of the Unthankful Gentleman / Bert Leston Taylor
Catesbys’ Cork Lino Ad / Anonymous
The Adventure of the Missing Bee / P.G. Wodehouse
Sherlock Holmes, Jr., Meets Santa Claus / Anonymous
The Adventure of the Double Santa Claus / Bert Leston Taylor
Sherlock Holmes Outwitted: The Adventure of the ‘Hot Feet’ / Armistead M. Dobie
Padlock Bones, The Dead Sure Detective / H.A. McGill
The Adventure of the Second Swag / “Luke Sharp” (Robert Barr)