Just Had My ‘Network’ Moment, But I’m Better Now
I admit that I’m not a good web designer. I was never trained in it, so I flail about and experiment and try not to crash the site. This leads to frustration that’s unfair to others, but amuses me later.
I was trying out one of those sites that’ll host your blog. Never mind the name; like I said, I’m being unfair to them so I won’t say. I’m putting together a site for an upcoming series of books, so I wanted to get a head start on putting up a few pages, so I thought I’d give this site a try.
The last straw broke when I typed in the site’s two-word name, and the theme BLEW IT UP TO 80-POINT ALL CAPS! Which pissed me off so much that I backspaced and slammed this title in instead:
Then I deleted the website and my account before the site owner kicked me off.
I know, it was childish, but I feel a lot better. And since I’m still laughing about it today, I’d thought I’d share it with you.
Owning your own company has its benefits sometimes.
(For those of you too young to remember “Network,” here’s where the post title came from.)